Episode 01: SURF NINJAS

In our series premiere, we dive into one of Lyndsey's childhood favorites, 1993's Surf Ninjas starring Ernie Reyes Jr., Rob Schneider, Tone Loc, Kelly Hu, and Leslie Nielsen.

Talking points: John Cusack. Childhood martial arts. Why VHS? Pre-feature trailers. Mr. Nanny. Mortal Kombat. 90's slang. Rob Schneider's purpose. Leslie Nielsen's answering machine. Detective Tone Loc. Magical Sega Game Gear. Multicultural casting. Moto-surf. Climactic island assault. Arranged marriage. RIP Leslie Nielsen. Baba Ram. Buy it/rent it/tape over it. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Posted on June 30, 2015 and filed under Episodes, Lyndsey's Collection.